Top 10 SEO...
For anyone interested in learning SEO it's important to point out that most if the information about SEO is just opinion. Some opinions are weightier that others and many opinions are based on previous results of what appears to have worked.
There are numerous factors that go into how Google ranks and indexes web pages and I've read that only the top dogs in Google know all the factors - the reason is to minimise any manipulation of the search results. While Google did publish a document titled Search Engine Optimisation Starter Guide, they frequently update their search algorithm without updating their SEO starter guide.
For anyone interested in learning SEO it's important to point out that most if the information about SEO is just opinion. Some opinions are weightier that others and many opinions are based on
previous results of what appears to have worked.

There are numerous factors that go into how Google ranks and indexes web pages and I've read that only the top dogs in Google know all the factors - the reason is to minimise any manipulation of the search results. While Google did publish a document titled Search Engine Optimisation Starter Guide, they frequently update their search algorithm without updating their SEO starter guide.
Actually, after 10 years of marketing online, the answer to that question varies depending upon what you're trying to accomplish with your SEO efforts? If you're operating an online business in a very competitive (read lucrative) market, SEO will be high on your agenda as you go about annihilating your competition.
Even if you're an ordinary webmaster or website owner you're probably fussing over your rankings in the search engines. The higher your rankings you achieve for your chosen keywords; the more traffic you will get. Good quality traffic that convert well into loyal subscribers and fans of your site.
Many webmasters and companies spend thousands of dollars each month in order to get their keywords and sites up to the top of the list. If you're into affiliate marketing, your daily income will rise and fall almost parallel to your rankings. Now, if my earnings increase, I know automatically my rankings have gone up, usually in Google. If my earnings go down, I know my rankings have gone south. Some times even a drop or rise of one place on the first page SERPs will affect how much you earn.
Obviously, because of this fact, SEO or how well I am optimized for the search engines is extremely important to me. I am constantly building quality links and quality content for my sites. Some keyword battles you win, some battles you lose. I have been fighting some keyword battles for over 3 or 4 years now!
But how much SEO is enough? How much SEO should you do with your sites? Many webmasters make sure all their on page set-up or lay-out is done exactly to what the SEO experts say you should do. This is not a bad idea. Make sure your Title, URL, Headlines, Keyword Density... are all laid out right. These are things we can control and adjust to meet the SEO standards.
Other SEO or ranking factors are much harder to predict, many of them are simply out of our control. How other sites link to us, what they put in the anchor text, what they say about us... simply things we can't control.
I believe the over-riding reason why your site is listed at the top of any rankings has to do with the number, the quality and the quantity of sites linking back to your page. The higher the number of related quality one-way links you have flowing back to your site, the higher it will perform in the rankings. Your anchor text is very important (underlined part of a link); it must contain your keywords or variations of it. The content on the linking page should also be related to your chosen keywords.
Get this part right and you will get high rankings.
Or at least this has been my experience -- all the other ranking factors do count but this is the over-riding factor in my opinion.
Another major ranking factor lately, has been the importance Google is placing on social media links. Get your content to the first page of Digg with lots of diggs and it will rank high in Google. This is not surprising when you consider the nature of these social bookmarking sites... it really is an actual "vote" for the quality of your content. Getting Delicious bookmarks has a similar positive effect.
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There are numerous factors that go into how Google ranks and indexes web pages and I've read that only the top dogs in Google know all the factors - the reason is to minimise any manipulation of the search results. While Google did publish a document titled Search Engine Optimisation Starter Guide, they frequently update their search algorithm without updating their SEO starter guide.
For anyone interested in learning SEO it's important to point out that most if the information about SEO is just opinion. Some opinions are weightier that others and many opinions are based on
previous results of what appears to have worked.
There are numerous factors that go into how Google ranks and indexes web pages and I've read that only the top dogs in Google know all the factors - the reason is to minimise any manipulation of the search results. While Google did publish a document titled Search Engine Optimisation Starter Guide, they frequently update their search algorithm without updating their SEO starter guide.
Actually, after 10 years of marketing online, the answer to that question varies depending upon what you're trying to accomplish with your SEO efforts? If you're operating an online business in a very competitive (read lucrative) market, SEO will be high on your agenda as you go about annihilating your competition.
Even if you're an ordinary webmaster or website owner you're probably fussing over your rankings in the search engines. The higher your rankings you achieve for your chosen keywords; the more traffic you will get. Good quality traffic that convert well into loyal subscribers and fans of your site.
Many webmasters and companies spend thousands of dollars each month in order to get their keywords and sites up to the top of the list. If you're into affiliate marketing, your daily income will rise and fall almost parallel to your rankings. Now, if my earnings increase, I know automatically my rankings have gone up, usually in Google. If my earnings go down, I know my rankings have gone south. Some times even a drop or rise of one place on the first page SERPs will affect how much you earn.
Obviously, because of this fact, SEO or how well I am optimized for the search engines is extremely important to me. I am constantly building quality links and quality content for my sites. Some keyword battles you win, some battles you lose. I have been fighting some keyword battles for over 3 or 4 years now!
But how much SEO is enough? How much SEO should you do with your sites? Many webmasters make sure all their on page set-up or lay-out is done exactly to what the SEO experts say you should do. This is not a bad idea. Make sure your Title, URL, Headlines, Keyword Density... are all laid out right. These are things we can control and adjust to meet the SEO standards.
Other SEO or ranking factors are much harder to predict, many of them are simply out of our control. How other sites link to us, what they put in the anchor text, what they say about us... simply things we can't control.
I believe the over-riding reason why your site is listed at the top of any rankings has to do with the number, the quality and the quantity of sites linking back to your page. The higher the number of related quality one-way links you have flowing back to your site, the higher it will perform in the rankings. Your anchor text is very important (underlined part of a link); it must contain your keywords or variations of it. The content on the linking page should also be related to your chosen keywords.
Get this part right and you will get high rankings.
Or at least this has been my experience -- all the other ranking factors do count but this is the over-riding factor in my opinion.
Another major ranking factor lately, has been the importance Google is placing on social media links. Get your content to the first page of Digg with lots of diggs and it will rank high in Google. This is not surprising when you consider the nature of these social bookmarking sites... it really is an actual "vote" for the quality of your content. Getting Delicious bookmarks has a similar positive effect.
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