Achieving Better Search Engine Optimization 2021
The search engine giants are locked in an all outpower struggle to get your attention and patronage. Over the past 6 months there have been many changes.The big guys are getting even bigger, but there are a numberof new players vying for your patronage too. The top three Search Engines are Yahoo, MSN and Google.It would seem that Yahoo serves the most searches followedby MSN and then Google. Only a year ago Google supplied both Yahoo and MSN with search listings. Yahoo has progresses from a Directory to a fully fledged search engine as has MSN with the launch of their new Search Engine. However Google still supplies search results to many other search engines including AOL,Alexa and a host of small and medium sized search engines. No it is not really necessary to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on promotion of your Web site, but your site content must be relevant, both for your visitors and search engines alike. Failure in one area directly affects the other. Remember the s...