Is Poco F2 Launching Between Diwali & Christmas/New Year? This Evidence Strongly Suggests So..
Xiaomi fans have been asking about Poco F2 since eternity, and thousands of such fans are eagerly awaiting any developments. They have stopped buying any new smartphones, as they want Poco F2 to be their next one.
Now, some fresh ‘unintentional’ images have been revealed on Twitter, which strongly suggests that Poco F2 can be launched this Christmas/New Year season.

Searching for the best gifts for the holidays and other special occasions can often be a daunting and frustrating task. If you have gotten tired of buying cheap offshore stuff that will break within the year, get re-gifted or end up in a yard sale for 25 cents, let me suggest three alternative groups of gifts that will be a welcome change from giving "stuff" that recipients won't really like or value.
Memorable gifts are not usually the hottest style or craze. They have much more meaning than that. I refer to my three gift groups as Heirlooms, Experiences and Knowledge. Lets explore each one in turn.
Heirlooms: Heirlooms can be either old family treasures or the creation of new ones. Here is a suggestion to parents and grandparents looking for gifts for grown children. Consider gifting a piece of family history such as an old photo collection, special objects or collectables. And virtually every family member would treasure a copy of the family tree.
Parents of younger children can also benefit from considering the Heirloom group of gifts. In years gone by, before the desire for quantity overtook the desire for quality and durability, special occasion gifts were truly special. They were quality crafted, durable and treasured.
Local craftsmen and women still create these old-fashioned toys from woods and metal. They are usually of exceptional quality. You can seek them out at local craft fairs and markets. Do yourself a favor. Pass up on the forgettable offshore junk, keep the holiday dollars in your community and find that special something your children will want to pass on to their own in the years to come. Heirloom gifts do not need to be pricey. In fact, some may not cost you anything, if you own them now.
Experiences: Most people already have too much stuff, trinkety stuff, soon to be obsolete electronic stuff, stick it in the storage locker stuff. Stuff, stuff and more stuff. Yet this material stuff, since it is so abundant, is not delivering happiness much of the time. Large groups of people are now understanding that experiences are more appreciated and produce wonderful memories. This makes giving an experience a memorable and welcome gift.
These experiences could be something as inexpensive as taking someone out for coffee or lunch or something more elaborate like giving a gift certificate, for a salon, spa, round of golf, dance lessons or computer training. Let your imagination run wild. Once again, most of the money stays close to home and you don't need to worry about shipping and handling.
Knowledge: My personal favorite has become the gift of knowledge. This gift has the "multiplier benefit effect" for the recipient, when compared to the actual cost of the gift. Virtually everyone has something that excites them, something that they want and perhaps, need to learn more about. Most people now have computers, access to the internet and many now own e-book reading devices. E-books are a fantastic, very inexpensive way for people to acquire valuable knowledge.
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